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Happy Advent!

Happy Advent!

If you find yourself wondering where the last two weeks of Advent went, you are not alone. Between the shopping, planning for the Christmas show and concert, baking, and scheduling family gatherings, it can feel like a race to Christmas and a test of our endurance. All the while, we are invited and called to wait and prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. This season of waiting and preparation doesn't have to be complicated or elaborate, but a simple pause each day to breathe and reconnect with the true spirit of the season. Perhaps it is lighting the Advent wreath on Sunday before dinner and asking your children what they are grateful for or beginning each day with the Advent Calendar and sharing hope for the day. For creative tips on how to fully enter the season of Advent with your family, check out my blog here.

May the hope, peace, joy, and love of this season be with you!

Mrs. Natalie Goyer

Director of Religious Studies and Faith Formation