Performing Arts
2025 HCA Spring Musical
Parent Committee Sign up
Parent Meeting Presentation
This year's spring musical at HCA will be Disney's High School Musical, Jr.! We will have three performances this year - Thursday, March 13, Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15, 2025. There will be no charge to join the cast or stage crew this year! Auditions will be held on Monday, January 6, 2025. Audition information will be sent home to those registered before Christmas break. All students in grades 4-8 who wish to be a part of the cast must audition and all will be cast in a role. Students in grades 1-3 will automatically be a part of the children's chorus.
We have changed our rehearsal schedule this year to try to allow for students to continue to participate in sports, music lessons/choir, and family events with fewer conflicts. We will rehearse on Mondays and Thursdays immediately after school until 5:30 pm and on Wednesdays immediately after school until 4:30 pm (mainly for small group work). A more detailed rehearsal schedule will be available in January and not every child will be called for every rehearsal.
Stage crew positions are limited and students in grades 7-8 will take precedence. If you are interested in being a part of the crew, please email Mrs. Barrera (
Please review the attached parent/student handbook to read more about expectations for joining the play as well as the description of the parent committees. There will be a parent meeting in January (TBD) to sign up to help. Remember "we're all in this together!"
Please email Mrs. Barrera with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to another great production season!