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Pennsylvania Tax Credit Programs (EITC and OSTC)

What are the Pennsylvania Tax Credit Programs?

The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are Pennsylvania tax credit programs designed to offer eligible businesses and individuals the opportunity to direct their state tax dollars to support schools including Holy Child Academy.  Participating in this program enables individuals the ability to control where their PA state taxes are allocated to while receiving a  90% tax credit.  

Who is eligible to participate in these programs?

Anyone is eligible to participate in these programs on the behalf of HCA if you as an individual or your business owe $1,000 or more in PA state income tax.

What are the enrollment steps?

  1. Contact Jessica Oates (Director of Development; for individualized participation information.

  2. Qualified individuals will be connected with our partnered scholarship organizations to help you walk step-by-step through the enrollment process.

  3. Example timeline of enrollment process:

    1. Connect with Jessica Oates and partnered scholarship organization

    2. Complete commitment form

    3. Submit contribution check (typically in November; can accept throughout the year case-by-case)

    4. Partnered scholarship organization will send you K-1 form for tax returns (March).

    5. You will receive 90% of your contribution as your PA tax refund.


"These tax credit programs allow me to make a much bigger impact on Holy Child Academy by allowing me to direct a significant portion of my PA business taxes to HCA instead of the state. Through the OSTC program I can dictate where I want my PA tax monies to go—to helping students attend HCA."       -Vince Bellwoar, P '07 '09*