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The First Week of May

We had a busy first full week of May!  First Grade was invited to the Junior Science Fair on Tuesday.  The students were able to hear the Second, Third, and Fourth Grades present their class science experiments.  Each class chose very different projects, which ranged from making candy to growing mold.  The students agreed that the experiment dealing with mold was the smelliest project of all!  The class also was able to learn about the various experiments the Fifth Grade class each conducted, as well.  It was a wonderful experience for the students and has them excited and thinking about what they can do together next year.

HCA also hosted a luncheon for Upper Darby's first responders.  First Grade had the opportunity to write and deliver thank you letters.  The students were able to meet some of the men and women who stopped by and give them our thanks in person.  The biggest thrill of the day was when each student had the opportunity to spray the fire hose! 


  • First Grade visit to Little Flower Manor - Saturday, May 11th at 2 pm

  • Next week, P.E. will be Tuesday and Wednesday (Day 5 and Day 6).

  • The Sports Award Ceremony is Thursday, May 16th. Dinner and the ceremony will start at 6pm. Please RSVP HERE.

  • Kindergarten and Lower School Bowling trip permission slips and payment are due Wednesday, May 22nd.

  • LOOKING AHEAD - There is no school on Friday, May 24th and Monday, May 27th, due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. The last day of school will be on Wednesday, June 5th. There will be a noon dismissal for all students with no lunch and no HCA Plus.

  • Liberty Belle Summer Volleyball Camp & Clinic Opportunities. (Not affiliated w/ HCA)


  • Reminders
  • Weekly News

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