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May is for Fun!

Hello Everyone!

We hope everyone is enjoying the month of May thus far. It is so hard to believe that we are winding down our school year!  It has been such an adventure for all of us!  Mrs. Fox and I are truly cherishing these final weeks with your adorable kiddos!

We are making the most of our last few weeks of school. The students have been working on mastering and refining a few of their skills with the materials in our classroom.  

This month the class has a new addition. Caterpillars are now our new class pet!  The class has been reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  It is such a classic book! Beyond the wonderful story line which depicts the caterpillar life cycle, the book also explores the basic life skills of preschoolers, learning the days of the week, learning to  counting and recognizing colors and food. The classroom has materials that relate to the storybook. The students are matching the fruits and foods from the story. During calendar time the class is now picking the correct fruit depending on the day of the week, as an example, Wednesday is 3 plums.  The class is working with two new activities based on the book, a caterpillar life cycle matching activity and a number of fruit matching activity.  

In STEAM Class, Ms. Zwilling read the same story to our class and had the students make 3 different sized caterpillars using blocks. One small, a medium sized one and a large caterpillar. After their caterpillar making, the students were allowed to be creative and make whatever their imaginations envisioned including butterflies, cocoons, a sliding board and one student made a complete playground. 

Mrs. Fox and I would like to thank all the parents participating in our Mystery Reader Event! It was such a huge success! Everyone had a great time guessing who would walk through our door and read their favorite storybook! 

Below are many pictures from last week and this week. We hope you enjoy them!

We've all heard the expression, "a picture tells a story"! I believe the picture of the students doing ring a round the rosie is that of pure joy!  As I walked into the classroom after lunch to tell the students to line up for afternoon recess, I see the class gather all their friends to perform ring around the rosie.  We have been doing this activity since the beginning of school and I was the one to initiate. Today the class now gathers their friends to enjoy this fun and bonding activity! I couldn't be more happier to see this class come together as a whole group!  

Mrs. Fox and I send our very Best Wishes to all the Moms, Grandmoms and Caretakers for a Wonderful Mother's Day! 

May you all have a Happy and Restful Weekend!

In Friendship,

Ms. Zarabara and Mrs. Fox

May 10, 2024

  • Students in grades 4-8: Please join us for Middle School Service Night tonight, Friday, May 10, 6-8pm at HCA! RSVP here: . Please note: 4th grade is invited to join MS for this special service night, as they get ready to join the Middle School next school year!

  • EC ONLY - The EC Celebration will take place on Tuesday, May 21, beginning at 8:15 am. Please refer to the email that was sent for more details and please RSVP here. We look forward to sharing this special day with you!

  • The Sports Award Ceremony is Thursday, May 16. Dinner and ceremony will start at 6pm. Please RSVP by May 10 HERE.

  • LOOKING AHEAD - There is no school on Friday, May 24, and Monday, May 27, due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. The last day of school will be on Wednesday, June 5. There will be a noon dismissal for all students with no lunch and no HCA Plus.

  • Liberty Belle Summer Volleyball Camp & Clinic Opportunities. (Not affiliated w/ HCA) 



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