A new event series will begin Tuesday, October 11, Coffee and Conversation. Kim Jester, the Director of Education for The Delaware County Victim Assistance Center will be joining us in a discussion about digital media safety.
Registration information is available at this link:
Mrs. Myers has shared the book selection for the October Book Challenge, linked here:
Week 3 of CYO Cross Country was rained out last Sunday but in a belated recap, our athletes all had great races on Sunday, September 25, with everyone improving their time or for our first time racers, finishing with very strong times on a challenging course! Strong showing for Minor, Caleb Hillery in 7th grade with a 6 minute PR and top 50 (41st) finish on only his second race!
Reminder, Flu/Covid vaccine clinic on Friday, November 4th 1:30-4:30, register for flu here or Covid here
- Reminders
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